Full Service Teak Furniture Care for Battle Mountain, NV
Our expertise stems from working with teak on boats and that experience translates to teak furniture and other hardwoods on your property. Aged or stained woods can be cleaned, sanded, treated and preserved with any of our 21 different sealers to solve and prevent discoloration from all outdoor pollutants.
We also service many other outdoor needs including custom covers for furniture, cushion cleaning and replacement, and umbrella repair and refurbishment. DOCTOR+TEAK is your full-service outdoor furniture provider.
- Sealing New Furniture
- Restoration of Old Furniture
- Decks, Patios, Walls, Fences, Railings, Gates, Stairways and Pergolas
- Planned Maintenance Program
- Repairs
- Custom Finishes
- Cushion Cleaning
- Cushion Replacement
For a full list of Dr. Teak furniture care and maintenance services in Battle Mountain, NV click here.
Sealing New Teak Furniture in Battle Mountain, NV
Sealing your teak furniture will keep your furniture looking new by helping to prevent the graying that results from exposure to sunlight, dirt, mildew, and excessive water. Depending on your environment, you will generally want to have your furniture resealed every 6 to 10 months, to keep everything looking really great. Regularly scheduled maintenance service is available.
We offer two basic sealers– Natural and Timber Oil — and five custom finishes — Ebony, Cordovan Brown, Coffee, Weathered, and Clear Sealer. We offer 11 different commercial finishes — and three yacht finishes — Clear, Black, and White. Please see our finishes page. We can also customize your teak to your desired look. Furniture designers and manufacturers nationwide choose DOCTOR+TEAK for all their finishing needs.
Restore Old Teak Furniture in Battle Mountain, NV
Teak furniture left untreated after purchasing, or older pieces that have aged, will deteriorate and turn gray. We can restore your teak furniture to its original look and offer many levels of restoration depending on your furniture's needs.
Restoration includes cleaning your furniture with a surface wash. This removes all the dirt from the grain of the wood. If necessary, we use bleach and scrubbing to bring the teak back to its original color. Once it is dry, we will then sand the teak back to its natural texture. Multiple levels of sanding may be required with older furniture.
Teak furniture that has not weathered completely but shows signs of graying can be sanded completely. Once the teak is restored to its natural state, we apply your chosen sealer.
If stripping is required, a cold solvent bath is used to remove old varnish, polyurethane or stain. Once the furniture is completely clean, we bathe it with a hot acidic wash to remove any impurities. After it dries, the furniture is sanded smooth and the sealer of your choice is applied to prevent it from weathering. All of our stripping is done in-house to ensure that it is done right the first time. Furniture designers and manufacturers nationwide choose DOCTOR+TEAK for all their finishing needs.
Decks, Patios, Fences, Railings, Gates, Stairways & Perogolas
Many high-end residences and luxury commercial properties use teak and its South American cousin IPE for decks, patios, siding, fences, railings, gates, stairways and pergolas. These architectural additions can be treated just like teak furniture. Sealing, sanding and restoration services can be done on-site.
Sealing – When IPE or teak is new and used in an architectural setting, it needs to be lightly sanded and sealed as soon as it is installed. Sealing helps to block out mildew, moisture and premature weathering.
Sanding – If the IPE or teak has been exposed to the elements for too long, we can restore it to its original state by using multiple levels of sanding, and then apply an oil-based sealer to protect it and prevent premature aging.
Restoration – If the IPE or teak has turned gray, we will power-wash it clean. After the wood has dried, we will then sand it and apply an oil based sealer to protect it and prevent premature aging.